Multiple Camera Calibration

In this article, I’m going to calibrate a multi camera setup and I’m going to do it in a way that’s automated and reproducible.

Tools and files used in this article:

First, install the camera_calib toolbox:

git clone ~/camera_calib

Next, download the example data (warning: very large file…):

mkdir -p ~/Desktop/multi_camera_calib
cd ~/Desktop/multi_camera_calib

The zip contains:

  • CAM_1, CAM_2, and CAM_3 – These contain calibration board images from individual cameras as well as yaml configuration files for multi_pyspin.
  • MULTI – This contains multi-camera synchronized capture of a calibration board as well as yaml configuration files for multi_pyspin.
  • dotvision_checker.conf – a configuration file used to specify parameters for the calibration board and algorithms used in camera_calib.
  • multi_camera_calib.m – a script to perform camera calibration.

15 images were acquired individually for each camera as well as for synchronized multi-camera capture. You can verify that synchronized capture worked based on the timestamp info after the DATETIME field in the filename. They should all be nearly ~1e-3 seconds apart at most. These images were acquired using the multi_pyspin gui. Please refer to the “acquiring synchronized multi-camera images” article for more info on how to use the app.

The camera_calib config file, dotvision_checker.conf, contains some required fields as well as some user overrides for some default fields:

% Checkerboard target
target              = checker
target_optimization = edges

% Checkerboard geometry
height_cb           = 50.8
width_cb            = 50.8
num_targets_height  = 16
num_targets_width   = 16
target_spacing      = 2.032
height_fp           = 42.672
width_fp            = 42.672
obj_cb_geom         = class.cb_geom.csgrid_cfp

% Optimization
calib_optimization  = distortion_refinement

% Plotting
camera_size         = 20

These options mean the following:

  • target – as of this article, “checker” and “circle” are currently supported.
  • target_optimization – depends on the target, but “opencv” and “edges” are currently supported for checkers.
  • height_cb – “height” of the calibration board. This is mainly used for setting the origin of the calibration board. It also helps with plotting functionality.
  • width_cb – “width” of the calibration board. This is mainly used for setting the origin of the calibration board. It also helps with plotting functionality.
  • num_targets_height – number of targets in the y dimension.
  • num_targets_width – number of targets in the x dimension.
  • target_spacing – space between targets.
  • height_fp – height of the four point fiducial marker box.
  • width_fp – width of the four point fiducial marker box.
  • obj_cb_geom – this is the calibration board geometry class. The user can write their own and plug it into the +class/+cb_geom folder. In this case, csgrid_cfp is a centered square grid with centered four point fiducial markers.
  • calib_optimization – type of calibration optimization used. Currently “distortion_refinement” and “frontal_refinement” are supported.
  • camera_size – purely for plotting purposes; perscribes the size of the camera in the extrinsics plot.

There are actually a lot more options… I’d suggest peeking at the code for now to see what options are available and which defaults are set. Once the toolbox is hardened a little bit I plan on writing some better documentation.

Next, fire up matlab, navigate to the multi_camera_calib directory in the matlab terminal, add camera_calib to your path, and then run the multi_camera_calib.m script.

This script will demonstrate how to run an automated multi-camera calibration. It will use two methods: 1) The first method does the multi-camera calibration using the individual camera calibration instrinics found using single camera calibration and the CAM_* images, followed by refinement of relative camera extrinsics using the MULTI images. 2) The second method does a direct multi-camera calibration using only the MULTI images.

Just to break things down, the first part:

calib_config = intf.load_calib_config('dotvision_checker.conf');

will load the configuration as a matlab struct.

The calib_single() and calib_multi() functions are mini pipelines that I’ve written to work specifically with the images acquired from multi_pyspin and my calibration board, which contains the four fiducial markers supported by camera_calib.

For the first method (note it may be a little slow because the images are high resolution), a lot of guis should appear. The first thing is to go through the four point detector gui:

You can flip through this gui by hitting the left and right arrow keys. You can also zoom in on individual fiducial targets using the “1”, “2”, “3”, and “4” keys. Lastly, the “worst” target can be seen by hitting the “w” key. It might be good to do a sweep through with the whole image view, then do another quick sweep with “w” as a fiducial marker detection failure will probably occur with the detected marker with the worst correlation coefficient.

Now, lets look at the calibration gui:

Again, you can flip through this gui by hitting the left and right arrow keys. You can also see the “worst” residual by hitting the “w” key. I’d again do a sweep through the images just to double check everything looks ok. The main “high level” check is that all the residuals for a camera should appear gaussian-ish, centered at zero, and should be relatively small (less than a pixel if a high quality target/camera/lens is used). Zoomed in residuals are shown below:

Another good sanity check is to view the extrinsics plot, shown below:

This looks very similar to my actual physical camera setup (shown in the multi-camera setup article). So it increases the confidence my calibration is correct

Next, the results for the second method (direct multi-camera calibration using MULTI images only) yields relatively similar results. The resulting intrinsics and relative extrinics between the cameras for the two methods are shown below:

# Single camera intrinics with multi camera extrincs
Intrinsic params (+- 3*sigma):
  -Camera (1):                         -Camera (2):                         -Camera (3):                         
    alpha:    3614.5728 +-   0.0000      alpha:    3644.0784 +-   0.0000      alpha:    3649.9648 +-   0.0000  
    x_o:      1024.7073 +-   0.0000      x_o:      1069.1871 +-   0.0000      x_o:      1093.0566 +-   0.0000  
    y_o:       814.8013 +-   0.0000      y_o:       810.5466 +-   0.0000      y_o:       805.6934 +-   0.0000  
  -Distortion (1):                     -Distortion (2):                     -Distortion (3):                     
    k1:         -0.1429 +-   0.0000      k1:         -0.1732 +-   0.0000      k1:         -0.1789 +-   0.0000  
    k2:          0.0292 +-   0.0000      k2:          0.2792 +-   0.0000      k2:          0.2630 +-   0.0000  
    p1:          0.0004 +-   0.0000      p1:          0.0001 +-   0.0000      p1:         -0.0000 +-   0.0000  
    p2:          0.0002 +-   0.0000      p2:          0.0005 +-   0.0000      p2:         -0.0001 +-   0.0000  
Relative extrinsic params (+- 3*sigma):
  -Rotation (1 => 1):                  -Rotation (1 => 2):                  -Rotation (1 => 3):                  
    theta_x:    -0.0000 +-   0.0000      theta_x:    -0.0045 +-   0.0000      theta_x:    -0.0178 +-   0.0000  
    theta_y:    -0.0000 +-   0.0000      theta_y:     0.3962 +-   0.0000      theta_y:     0.8076 +-   0.0000  
    theta_z:     0.0000 +-   0.0000      theta_z:    -0.0012 +-   0.0000      theta_z:    -0.0046 +-   0.0000  
  -Translation (1 => 1):               -Translation (1 => 2):               -Translation (1 => 3):               
    x:           0.0000 +-   0.0000      x:         -83.8707 +-   0.0047      x:        -154.4280 +-   0.0050  
    y:           0.0000 +-   0.0000      y:           0.0509 +-   0.0035      y:           0.2126 +-   0.0036  
    z:           0.0000 +-   0.0000      z:          -5.5244 +-   0.0038      z:          67.2451 +-   0.0064  
# Multi camera intrinsics and extrinics
Intrinsic params (+- 3*sigma):
  -Camera (1):                         -Camera (2):                         -Camera (3):                         
    alpha:    3626.3759 +-   0.7603      alpha:    3650.0801 +-   0.6046      alpha:    3646.8749 +-   0.8149  
    x_o:      1024.5323 +-   1.5735      x_o:      1064.8211 +-   1.1667      x_o:      1096.5898 +-   1.5530  
    y_o:       808.6427 +-   1.2712      y_o:       809.5807 +-   0.9578      y_o:       806.1936 +-   1.2944  
  -Distortion (1):                     -Distortion (2):                     -Distortion (3):                     
    k1:         -0.1336 +-   0.0023      k1:         -0.1727 +-   0.0018      k1:         -0.1780 +-   0.0021  
    k2:         -0.1345 +-   0.0424      k2:          0.2549 +-   0.0335      k2:          0.2964 +-   0.0285  
    p1:          0.0003 +-   0.0001      p1:          0.0000 +-   0.0001      p1:         -0.0001 +-   0.0001  
    p2:          0.0001 +-   0.0001      p2:          0.0002 +-   0.0001      p2:          0.0001 +-   0.0001  
Relative extrinsic params (+- 3*sigma):
  -Rotation (1 => 1):                  -Rotation (1 => 2):                  -Rotation (1 => 3):                  
    theta_x:     0.0000 +-   0.0000      theta_x:    -0.0031 +-   0.0003      theta_x:    -0.0159 +-   0.0005  
    theta_y:    -0.0000 +-   0.0000      theta_y:     0.3975 +-   0.0005      theta_y:     0.8066 +-   0.0006  
    theta_z:     0.0000 +-   0.0000      theta_z:    -0.0014 +-   0.0001      theta_z:    -0.0045 +-   0.0004  
  -Translation (1 => 1):               -Translation (1 => 2):               -Translation (1 => 3):               
    x:           0.0000 +-   0.0000      x:         -84.1412 +-   0.0162      x:        -154.9423 +-   0.0381  
    y:          -0.0000 +-   0.0000      y:           0.0509 +-   0.0033      y:           0.2009 +-   0.0261  
    z:           0.0000 +-   0.0000      z:          -5.7234 +-   0.0445      z:          66.5080 +-   0.0882  

Both intrinsics and relative extrinsics are very similar in magnitude, although a sensitivity analysis should be done to see how big of an effect these changed have on downstream analyses.

Lastly, you can save the results with the util.save_calib() function to store the results on disk.

2 thoughts on “Multiple Camera Calibration”

  1. Thanks for sharing post, it is very good. Have you have any idea/toolbox for calibrating two or multiple cameras without any overlap field of view?

    1. Haven’t tried this, but I think you’ll at least need a calibration target which is visible in both cameras at the same time (even if FOV doesn’t overlap). My toolbox assumes the entire calibration target is visible in all cameras, but the application I’m interested in is 3D surface stuff so the target object should be completely visible in all cameras. Not having the constraint of the entire calibration target in the image makes fiducial detection a lot harder…

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